Justine Massaba
4 min readJul 1, 2022


How Developing Your Emotional Intelligence Can Benefit Your Business.

As a business leader, you know that success depends on more than just your skills and experience. It’s also important to be emotionally intelligent.

If you're not familiar with the term, emotional intelligence (EI) is the capacity to be aware of and manage your own emotions, and the emotions of others.

In this article, we’ll discuss the role of emotional intelligence in business growth, and share tips for how you can develop your own emotional intelligence.

What Is Emotional Intelligence?

So what is emotional intelligence, anyway? In short, it's the ability to be aware and understand your own emotions and the emotions of others. It's about being able to regulate your emotions, respond effectively to emotions in others, and create positive relationships.
Now that you know what emotional intelligence is, you may be wondering how it can benefit your business. Here are a few ways:
1. Emotional intelligence can help you better understand your customers and employees.
2. It can make you more effective at problem-solving.
3. It can help you better manage stress and stay calm under pressure.
4. It can make you more decisive.
5. And lastly, emotional intelligence can help you build strong, positive relationships with customers and clients.

How Can Emotional Intelligence Benefit Businesses?

There are many different ways that emotional intelligence can benefit businesses. For starters, people with high emotional intelligence are better leaders. They’re better at motivating their teams, and they’re better at handling difficult conversations and relationships.

People with high emotional intelligence are also better at handling stress. When stress builds up in the workplace, it can have a negative impact on productivity and creativity. But people with high emotional intelligence know how to manage their stress, which means they’re less likely to let it affect their work.

In addition, people with high emotional intelligence are more likely to be successful in sales. They’re better at building relationships and they’re better at handling rejections.

How Can Business Leaders Develop Their Emotional Intelligence?

There are several ways that business leaders can develop their emotional intelligence. One way is to read books or articles on the topic, or attend workshops and seminars. Leaders can also practice mindfulness, which is the act of being aware and present in the moment. This can be done by paying attention to your thoughts and feelings, as well as your body's signals.

Leaders can also practice self-compassion, which is being kind and understanding towards yourself even when you make mistakes. This involves acknowledging your negative thoughts and emotions, but not letting them overwhelm you. Finally, leaders can practice positive reinforcement, which is giving yourself or others compliments for taking positive steps forward.

The Benefits of Emotionally Intelligent Leadership.

There’s no doubt that emotional intelligence is a valuable skill for business leaders. When you’re able to understand and manage your own emotions, as well as the emotions of those around you, it can lead to a more productive and successful team.
Some of the benefits of emotionally intelligent leadership include:
- improved communication and collaboration.
- increased productivity and creativity
- better problem solving.
- stronger team morale.
- reduced stress and anxiety.

The Difference Between Emotionally Intelligent and Traditional Leadership Styles

So how does emotional intelligence play into all of this? Well, simply put, emotionally intelligent leaders are better equipped to handle the complexities and challenges of running a business. They understand that emotions play a huge role in our decision-making process, and they know how to manage their own emotions and the emotions of their team members. This is what sets them apart from traditional leaders, who often rely on logic and reason to make decisions.

While traditional leadership styles can be successful in certain situations, they often neglect one of the most important aspects of business: people. Emotionally intelligent leaders, on the other hand, recognize the importance of human relationships and understand that the success of a business depends on the happiness and motivation of its employees.

How to Develop Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace.

So, how can you develop your emotional intelligence in the workplace? Here are a few tips:
1.Start by acknowledging your emotions and understanding why you're feeling them.
2.Become more self-aware and learn to recognize your triggers.
3.Learn to manage your emotions effectively, both positive and negative.
4.Resist the urge to react impulsively and instead take a moment to think things through.
5.Be more understanding and supportive of others, even when they're experiencing difficult emotions.
6.Practice empathy and try to see things from other people's perspectives.

When it comes to business, emotional intelligence is key. Leaders who are emotionally intelligent are better able to manage themselves and their teams, and they're better equipped to face challenges and make decisions.
If you're looking to develop your emotional intelligence, there are a few things you can do. First, be aware of your own emotions and the emotions of those around you. Second, learn how to manage your emotions. Finally, learn how to communicate effectively with others.
Developing your emotional intelligence can be a challenge, but it's well worth the effort. When you're able to harness the power of your emotions, you can achieve great things for yourself and your business.



Justine Massaba

Justine Massaba, committed leadership consultant and author, empowers diverse leaders, stressing effective leadership's transformative power for global impact.